In this thesis, the Teckal exception in Article 12 will be compared to the way in which the exemption is in practice, with particular attention being paid to the activities criterion. When the legal situation for the exemption is established, an analysis is made of how well the codified Teckal exemption is in accordance with the Treaty rules that form the basis of the procurement regulations.


av LG Lysholm · 2019 — Examensarbete i EU- och konkurrensrätt. 30 högskolepoäng. Teckal-undantaget och. Verksamhetskriteriet. The Teckal Exemption and the Activity criterion.

Skapa nytt konto. Visa mer av Teckal på Facebook. Logga in. Glömt kontot? EU-domstolen – Begreppet ”huvuddelen av verksamheten”  Domstolens dom (femte avdelningen) den 18 november 1999.


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Further to circular No.0147/16 of 19th May 2016, the Transport  21 jun 2016 Landstinget anser inte att tjänsterna behöver upphandlas eftersom det s.k. Teckal - undantaget i 2 kap. 10 a § i lagen (2007:1091) om offentlig  16 Jan 2015 In the Teckal case, which gave rise to the exemption, it was determined that a council can, under some circumstances, let a contract to a third  17 maj 2016 Teckal-målet innebär att transaktioner mellan kommuner och dess helägda bolag inte omfattas av reglerna om offentlig upphandling. För att  1 Jun 2014 The European Court of Justice has recently been asked to consider whether the Teckal exemption for in-house contracts should also exempt so  Procurement implications of these models, particularly with reference to Teckal exemption.. Implications for registered charities including charitable assets  Om att avropa.

Två kriterier (de så kallade Teckal-kriterierna) måste vara uppfyllda: • Kontrollkriteriet: den upphandlande myndigheten måste utöva kontroll 

Uttal av Teckal' med 2 ljud uttal, och mer för Teckal'. Uppsatser om TECKAL-KRITERIER. Sök bland över 30000 uppsatser från svenska högskolor och universitet på - startsida för uppsatser,  När kan en upphandling betraktas som en intern upphandling enligt Teckalundantaget?

av E Lönnfält · 2015 — Åtgärder och undantag för att undvika att direktupphandlingar som sker med stöd av Teckal-undantaget anses som olovligt statsstöd .

hetskriterierna (Teckal-kriterierna) som har slagits fast i EG-domstolens rättspraxis. Kriterierna innebär dels att den upp-handlande myndigheten måste utöva en kontroll över den juri-diska personen som motsvarar den som den utövar över sin egen förvaltning, dels att den juridiska personen måste utföra huvud- In the 1999 judgment of Teckal (C-107/98) the ECJ established an exemption from public procurement for the award of contracts by a public authority to a separate entity provided certain requirements were met. Teckal exception Related Content The leading case on public to public contracts and their exemption from the procurement rules is Teckal Srl v Comune di Viano and Azienda Gas-Acqua Consorziale (AGAC) di Reggio Emilia (Case C-107/98) [1999] ECR I-8121 ( Teckal ). de s.k. Teckal-kriterierna, är uppfyllda. Villkoren innebär dels att den upphandlande myndigheten måste utöva en kontroll över den juridiska personen eller den gemensamma nämnden som motsvarar den som den utövar över sin egen förvaltning, dels att den juridiska personen måste Sådana inköp behöver därmed inte upphandlas. (Kontroll- och verksamhetskriterierna brukar även kallas för Teckal-kriterierna, efter namnet på en av parterna i det rättsfall där EU-domstolen för första gången slog fast möjligheten till detta undantag från skyldigheten att upphandla.) Teckal-kriterierna har som redan konstaterats först utvecklats av EU-domstolen i målet Teckal SRL v.


Yorwaste Ltd, which is owned by North Yorkshire and City of York councils, would also be able to develop partnerships 2020-01-21 The Teckal Company Business Plan and the Trading Company Business Plan will be presented to the Shareholder for comment and approval.. Four formal meetings a year will take place to review financial and operational performance of the Teckal Company as well as the financial performance of the Trading Company.. The transfer of Direct Services will consequentially mean that Direct Services staff Teckal companies have become the ‘go to’ first choice for local authorities seeking to explore the boundaries of trading, whilst simultaneously delivering a major service back to their ‘parent’ LA owner (s). Whilst this approach undoubtedly has merit, it also has limitations and complexities, some of which are only now becoming apparent A Teckal company will not be able to focus on trading commercially in the wider market. Where councils are seeking to do this, they will have to put any work out to tender and the trading company will have to compete for it against any other bidders who decide to tender. The implications of this limited Teckal exemption are not always well To date, the Teckal (or in-house) exemption has been strictly applied and the Courts have only endorsed direct awards as being outside the scope of the EU procurement rules where (1) the 2014-11-08 2017-03-30 2017-03-20 2013-03-07 This is the interesting question posed in a recent Lithuanian case involving a State railway company and its Tekal subsidiary. We have yet to receive the CJEU’s judgement, but we do have the Advocate General’s opinion – this is not binding on the Court but is often followed.
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11 § LOU, och gäller då myndigheter avtalar  domstolen angett i Teckal-domen, nämligen dels att den upphand- lande myndigheten utövar en kontroll över den juridiska personen eller den  De så kallade Teckal-undantaget är sedan juli i år infört i LOU, med undantag för försörjningssektorerna. Teckal-undantaget innebär att en  och ett antal fler.

The Opinion considered that the use of these procedures was unlawful and stated that, where subsidiaries do not have the resources needed to carry out the tasks assigned to them under their Teckal arrangement i.e. they need to procure works, services or supplies to do so, then the Teckal company must comply with the Procurement Rules in procuring those works, services or supplies.
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18 Oct 2017 A “Teckal” company is the common name for a company which benefits from contracts for works, services or supply from its controlling 

Four formal meetings a year will take place to review financial and operational performance of the Teckal Company as well as the financial performance of the Trading Company.. The transfer of Direct Services will consequentially mean that Direct Services staff Teckal companies have become the ‘go to’ first choice for local authorities seeking to explore the boundaries of trading, whilst simultaneously delivering a major service back to their ‘parent’ LA owner (s). Whilst this approach undoubtedly has merit, it also has limitations and complexities, some of which are only now becoming apparent A Teckal company will not be able to focus on trading commercially in the wider market.

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Case Document Date Name of the parties Subject-matter Curia EUR-Lex; C-107/98: Judgment ECLI:EU:C:1999:562: 18/11/1999: Teckal

Detta eftersom en offentlig aktör alltid har rätt att  huvuddelen av sin verksamhet tillsammans med den eller de myndigheter som innehar den, skulle något annat kunna gälla.” (Teckal, p. 50)  Detta för att säkra möjligheten att tillämpa Teckal- undantaget vid upphandling.